Wagner Moreira

Master Choreography Programme '12, Artistic Master Class '16

I arrived in Münster/NRW in March 2003. Since that time, my home has become Germany. In March 2006 I was engaged by the Gerhart-Hauptmann-Theatre Görlitz/Zittau. Saxony has been my new home since then. In March 2010, I came to Dresden to earn my MA in Choreography at the Palucca University of Dance Dresden and the city on the Elbe became my passion. A while later, I received a scholarship for the Master Class Programme with Prof. Jason Beechey, Rector of the Palucca University of Dance Dresden.

With the beginning of the 2020/21 season and ten years after my arrival in Dresden, it was with great joy that I assumed the position of Director of the Landesbühnen Sachsen Dance Company (Theatre of the State of Saxony) in Radebeul. Having often worked here and throughout Europe in various artistic and pedagogical contexts, institutions, projects, and productions, Radebeul was my next stop. As a freelance artist and choreographer, I have cultivated my relationship to the Radebeul house over the past five years. I have always enjoyed being there as a guest trainer or as part of the audience. Needless to say, I feel that artistic creativity, its conveyance, aesthetic practice and social discourse go hand in hand.

The participation at all conceivable levels, from low-threshold programmes to complex discourses, is personally for me an artistic obligation and, in the interest of an informed society, a matter of course. Inclusion, accessibility, mobility and interdisciplinarity have become an integral part of my artistic practices. Together with the independent choreographer and Master Class Programme alumna Helena Fernandino, I have created a platform with the title - CoreDanceProjects which is a follow-up project to my Master Class Study project C.O.R.E. (Creating Opportunities of Research & Explorations). Diversity in the arts is and has been an important part of my artistic and pedagogical activities, both in this project and in other projects, as well as in my collaboration with the independent freelance scene, among others Un-label Performing Arts Cologne. In my opinion, it is important to develop and establish innovative approaches to artistic working methods and also strategies for “audience development” in the area of performing arts. This applies not only to the current independent scene but also to the state theatre landscape. 

Innovative initiatives in Saxony are without question of great importance within the professional context of contemporary dance in Germany. Using formats based upon new forms of accessibility, we are creating new means for making the events in theatres accessible for everyone involved.

With this artistic approach, I will set out for new shores in the summer of 2022 and take over the artistic direction of the Tanzcompany Theater Regensburg. I will keep my connection and close relationship to Dresden, my 2nd residence. I look forward to continuing to act as a mediator and "bridge builder" in my new role, to promote young talent and to support collaborations between educational institutions, the independent scene and municipal/state ensembles.


